Statues of Sekhmet and Amenhotep III Uncovered in Luxor

News March 16, 2016

(Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities)
Luxor Sekhmet statues
(Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities)

LUXOR, EGYPT—Statues of Sekhmet, the lioness goddess of war, and a partial statue of Amenhotep III, have been uncovered in Luxor at the site of Amenhotep III’s funerary temple. Three full statues of a seated Sekhmet depict her holding an ankh in her right hand. Pieces of other statues show Sekhmet holding a scepter in the shape of a papyrus plant. The figure of Amenhotep III shows him wearing his jubilee clothing. “The statues will be on display at the site of the temple after completing the cleaning, restoration and documentation of the statues. After finishing building the fence around the site of Amenhotep III to protect it, the temple will be open to the public,” Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty told The Luxor Times. To read in-depth about a recent Egyptological discovery, go to "The Cult of Amun."

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