
Features Oct 04, 2012

Java's Megalithic Mountain

Across the Indonesian archipelago, people raised immense stones to honor their ancestors

Indonesia Java Gunung Padang Megalithic Site

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Features July/August 2024

The Assyrian Renaissance

Archaeologists return to Nineveh in northern Iraq, one of the ancient world’s grandest imperial capitals

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(Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project)

Features May/June 2024

Searching for Lost Cities

From Iraq to West Africa and the English Channel to the Black Sea, archaeologists are on the hunt for evidence of once-great cities lost to time

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Lands of the Golden Horde, fourteenth-century map
(© BnF, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY)

Features May/June 2024

Alexander the Great's Untold Story

Excavations in northern Greece are revealing the world that shaped the future king

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(Veronika Pfeiffer/Alamy)

Features March/April 2024

Discovering a New Neolithic World

Excavations in southeastern Turkey are revolutionizing how archaeologists understand the monumental achievements of hunter-gatherers

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  • Features Mar 01, 2011

    Werner Herzog on 3-D, Cavemen, and the Scent of a Cave Bear

    Last March, preeminent filmmaker Werner Herzog was given unprecedented access to Chauvet Cave in southeastern France to film the site's Paleolithic art.

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  • Features Mar 01, 2011

    Reading the Yellow River

    Preserved by centuries of flood-borne silt, a rural landscape offers a new look at the Han Dynasty

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  • Features January/February 2012

    The Truth Behind the Tablets

    The rush to document thousands of ancient texts before they are sent back to Iran, or sold, reveals the daily workings of the Persian Empire.

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  • Features January/February 2012

    A Society's Sacrifice

    Why the Chimú people of ancient Peru offered what was most valuable to them

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    (Courtesy Angiolina Abugattas)
  • Features January/February 2012

    Mountaintop Rescue

    Archaeology, coal, and activism collide in the Appalachian Mountains at the site of America's largest labor conflict.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Hunter-Gatherer Landscape - California

    Construction of vast solar farms in the deserts of southeastern California is threatening to permanently erase prehistoric Native American sites.

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