November/December 2020 Issue

Features From the Issue

  • Features

    Alcohol Through the Ages

    How the magic of fermentation has transformed the human experience

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    (Minneapolis Institute of Arts/Bridgeman Images)
  • Features

    In the Reign of the Sun Kings

    Old Kingdom pharaohs faced a reckoning that reshaped Egypt’s balance of power

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    (Kenneth Garrett)
  • Features

    The Great Wall of Mongolia

    A nomadic medieval dynasty constructed a 450-mile barrier to help manage their sprawling empire

  • Features

    Canada's Forgotten Capital

    Beneath the streets of Old Montreal, the rubble of a short-lived Parliament building offers a glimpse into a young country’s growing pains

  • Features

    Weaving for Their Ancestors

    For 1,000 years, the Paracas people of Peru expressed their vivid conception of life and death through textiles

Letter from Israel

Letter from Israel

The Price of Purple

Archaeologists have found new evidence of a robust dye industry that endured on the Mediterranean coast for millennia

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(Courtesy Michael Eisenberg)



Illuminated Manuscript

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(National Trust/Mike Hodgson)

Digs & Discoveries

Off the Grid

Off the Grid November/December 2020

Preah Khan of Kompong Svay, Cambodia

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(Hemis/Alamy Stock Photo)

Around the World
