Around the World March/April 2022


Around the World March/April 2022


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(Michele Comber)

Around the World September/October 2020


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(Wikimedia Commons)

Letter from Ireland January/February 2012

Mystery of the Fulacht Fiadh

Versions of the same Bronze Age structure pop up all around Ireland and throughout the United Kingdom. Archaeologists, however, still have not agreed on their purpose.

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Artifacts July 1, 2011

Early Christian Illustrated Manuscript

The faddan more psalter offers a tantalizing glimpse of the extraordinary efforts that early Christians in Ireland invested in illustrating their religious manuscripts. This manuscript was most likely handcrafted in a monastery where Irish monks and missionaries combined copies of Biblical text with both traditional and nontraditional iconography.

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Digs & Discoveries January 1, 2011

Ireland's Viking Fortress

The remains of the legendary Viking fortress Linn Duachaill have been discovered in northeastern Ireland, 45 miles north of Dublin. "Historians and archaeologists have been trying to locate Linn Duachaill for more than 200 years," says Eamonn Kelly, Keeper of Antiquities with the National Museum of Ireland, who led a lengthy research and targeted excavation effort that resulted in the discovery of the infamous Viking base.

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