Letter from Mexico July/August 2012
Archaeology, Interrupted
An archaeologist's daughter surveys the rich cultural heritage of northern Mexico—and the impact of violence on researchers working there
Around the World May/June 2012
Digs & Discoveries March/April 2012
Under the Pyramid of the Sun
Archaeologists working in a tunnel beneath Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Sun have unearthed two caches of artifacts that may have been meant to consecrate the massive building's construction around a.d. 200.
Around the World November 1, 2011
Features September 1, 2011
Translating Maya History
ome of the most important clues that led to deciphering ancient Maya glyphs came from the carved stone monuments at Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan. In 1960, art historian Tatiana Proskouriakoff published a systematic study of the glyphs on more than 40 large rectangular monuments called stelae that had been erected at Piedras Negras.
Features September 1, 2011
Defending a Jungle Kingdom
Newly uncovered fortifications reveal how ancient Maya rulers struggled for wealth and territory
Features January 1, 2011
The Journey to El Norte
How archaeologists are documenting the silent migration that is transforming America
Features January 1, 2011
he Young Man of Chan Hol was interred in a cave in the Yucatán more than 10,000 years ago, and there he stayed, even as sea levels rose and the cave flooded.