Thracian Horseman’s Grave Unearthed in Bulgaria

News August 26, 2024

Gold necklace, Topolovgrad, Bulgaria
Municipality of Topolovgrad

TOPOLOVGRAD, BULGARIA—According to a report in The Sofia Globe, archaeologists led by Daniela Agre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have discovered a Roman-era grave thought to have belonged to a Thracian aristocrat in south-central Bulgaria. The man was buried wearing clothing decorated with gold appliqués. A gold necklace, a gold diadem, a gold ring, and a knife decorated with gold and semiprecious stones were recovered from the burial, in addition to the remains of a horse and full battle gear, including a breastplate, sword, scabbard, and other knives and spears. To read about a Roman oil container found in a third-century a.d. grave in southeastern Bulgaria, go to "Bath Buddy."

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