Medieval Coin Hoard Recovered in Germany

News August 20, 2024

Medieval coin hoard, Glottertal, Germany
State Office for Monument Preservation in Stuttgart

GLOTTERTAL, GERMANY—According to a Live Science report, some 1,500 silver coins were discovered in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany during construction work. A few coins appeared when a pipeline was installed, and as additional coins turned up over the next day, archaeologist Andreas Haasis-Berner of the State Office for Monument Preservation in Stuttgart was called to the scene. Minted in the 1320s in what are now Germany, Switzerland, and France, the coins in the hoard would have been enough to purchase about 150 sheep, Haasis-Berner said. “The evaluation of this coin hoard will enable us to make statements about the circulation of coins in Breisgau, the minting activity in the mints, the silver trade, but also the mining in Glottertal,” Hassis-Berner concluded. To read about a cache of Celtic gold coins discovered in Brandenburg, go to "Golden Lucky Charms."

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