The Marks of Time

Features November/December 2018

A six-week heat wave in the U.K. and Ireland exposes nearly 5,000 years of history
(Courtesy Mark Walters/Skywest Surveys)
The outline of a Roman fort in Caerhun, Wales, was revealed by the hot, dry conditions of summer 2018.

Sometimes, as happened in the summer of 2018, the less visible past reveals itself, just for a moment, and then quickly vanishes.

On very rare occasions, during unusually hot, dry summers, normally hidden features can appear on the landscape. This can occur in two ways. Areas where the remains of buildings lie just underground or where a stretch of land has been repeatedly walked upon are always drier. During a heat wave, vegetation there will wither more quickly, creating brown parch marks that contrast with the surrounding grassy areas. Most of the sites here follow this pattern. By contrast, more moisture collects in areas that in antiquity were taken up with ditches or were dug in other ways. In a heat wave, those areas will remain greener than the surrounding landscape. Such is the case with the Neolithic monument in Ireland’s Boyne Valley and the medieval castle in Wales.

As these conditions persisted this past summer, archaeologists, with the help of aerial photography, drones, and the eyes of the public and scholars alike, were able to document evidence of buildings and human behavior that have rarely, if ever, been seen before. The heat wave is over and the rain has come again. At least for now, many of these traces of the past are no longer visible.

  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    Late Neolithic Monument

    Boyne Valley, Ireland

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    (Anthony Murphy)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    WWI Military Camp

    Hawick, Scotland

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    (Courtesy Stobs Camp Project)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    Medieval Castle

    Ceredigion, Wales

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    (Crown Copyright: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    WWII Air Raid Shelter

    Cambridge, England

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    (Courtesy Sarah Poppy)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    Roman Fort

    Caerhun, Wales

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    (Courtesy Mark Walters/Skywest Surveys)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    Country House

    Derbyshire, England

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    (Oliver Jessop/The Jessop Consultancy)
  • The Marks of Time November/December 2018

    Monastery Doorway

    County Galway, Ireland

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    (Courtesy Colm Moriarty)
  • Artifacts September/October 2018

    Base of a Qingbai-Glazed Molded Box

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    (© The Field Museum, cat. no. 344404. Photographer Gedi Jakovickas)
  • Around the World September/October 2018


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    (Courtesy Jack Dykinga, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
  • Digs & Discoveries September/October 2018

    Ice Age Necropolis

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    (Archives of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio della Liguria - Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage)
  • Features September/October 2018

    The Rulers of Foreign Lands

    Was a new regional power, once thought of as a bloodthirsty invading force, actually a catalyst for ancient Egypt’s most prosperous era?

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    (De Agostini Picture Library/G. Sioen/ Bridgeman Images)