
Features January/February 2012

Java's Megalithic Mountain

Across the Indonesian archipelago, people raised immense stones to honor their ancestors

Indonesia Java Gunung Padang Megalithic Site

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(Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project)

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Lands of the Golden Horde, fourteenth-century map
(© BnF, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY)

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(Veronika Pfeiffer/Alamy)

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Cave of the Swimmers - Egypt

    The Neolithic rock art at the Cave of the Swimmers, made popular by the 1996 film The English Patient, is being admired to death by tourists who feel compelled to touch the 10,000-year-old paintings.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Nondestructive Radiocarbon Dating - College Station, Texas

    Precisely dating archaeological artifacts is not as easy or harmless as it might seem. The most common method, radiocarbon dating, requires that a piece of an organic object be destroyed—washed with a strong acid and base at high temperature to remove impurities, and then set aflame.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Early Pyramids - Jaen, Peru

    Peru's towering burial mounds, with their underground chambers and layers upon layers of history, had long been thought to be a distinctive feature of the country's arid coast.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Royal Tomb - El Zotz, Guatemala

    A deep looters' trench led archaeologists to a series of amazing, macabre finds beneath the El Diablo pyramid at the modest Maya city of El Zotz.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    Decoding the Neanderthal Genome - Leipzig, Germany

    This past year will always be remembered as the year we found out that the Neanderthals survived and they are us.

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  • Features Jan 01, 2011

    "Kadanuumuu" - Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia

    For the last 35 years, the short-legged “Lucy” skeleton has led some scientists to argue that Australopithecus afarensis didn’t stand fully upright or walk like modern humans, and instead got around by “knuckle-walking” like apes. Now, the discovery of a 3.6-million-year-old beanpole on the Ethiopian plains—christened “Kadanuumuu,” or “Big Man” in the Afar language—puts that tired debate to rest. The new fossil demonstrates these early human ancestors were fully bipedal.

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