
Features Aug 01, 2022

Java's Megalithic Mountain

Across the Indonesian archipelago, people raised immense stones to honor their ancestors

Indonesia Java Gunung Padang Megalithic Site

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Features July/August 2024

The Assyrian Renaissance

Archaeologists return to Nineveh in northern Iraq, one of the ancient world’s grandest imperial capitals

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(Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project)

Features May/June 2024

Searching for Lost Cities

From Iraq to West Africa and the English Channel to the Black Sea, archaeologists are on the hunt for evidence of once-great cities lost to time

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Lands of the Golden Horde, fourteenth-century map
(© BnF, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY)

Features May/June 2024

Alexander the Great's Untold Story

Excavations in northern Greece are revealing the world that shaped the future king

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(Veronika Pfeiffer/Alamy)

Features March/April 2024

Discovering a New Neolithic World

Excavations in southeastern Turkey are revolutionizing how archaeologists understand the monumental achievements of hunter-gatherers

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  • Features September/October 2021

    The Pursuit of Wellness

    How the ancients attended to mind, body, and soul

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  • Features September/October 2021

    Secret Rites of Samothrace

    Reimagining the experience of initiation into an ancient Greek mystery cult

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    (© American Excavations Samothrace)
  • Features September/October 2021

    Searching for the Fisher Kings

    In the waters of southern Florida, the creative Calusa people forged a mighty empire

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    (Merald Clark)
  • Features July/August 2021

    The Ugarit Archives

    Thousands of cuneiform tablets written in a distinctive script tell the dramatic story of a Bronze Age merchant city in Syria

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    (RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY)
  • Features July/August 2021

    Autobiography of a Maya Ambassador

    A grand monument and a humble burial chronicle the changing fortunes of a career diplomat

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    (Justin Kerr, K-5763, Justin Kerr Maya Vase Archive, Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University, Washington, D.C.)
  • Features May/June 2021

    Ancient Tax Time

    How taxpayers funded the rise of empires

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    (© The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY)