Around the World May/June 2020

(Wikimedia Commons)

AUSTRALIA: Some very old rock art, such as the Gwion-style paintings that are found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, is notoriously difficult to date because the pigments no longer contain organic material. However, experts were able surmount this challenge by instead dating organic material from millennia-old mud wasps’ nests on rock facades that had been painted over by Aboriginal artists long ago. The researchers estimate that most of the paintings’ enigmatic anthropomorphic figures were created 12,000 years ago.

  • Artifacts May/June 2020

    Torah Shield and Pointer

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    (Courtesy Michał Wojenka/Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology)
  • Around the World May/June 2020


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    (Wikimedia Commons)
  • Digs & Discoveries May/June 2020

    The Parthenon by Any Other Name?

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    (Jason Urbanus)
  • Features May/June 2020

    A Path to Freedom

    At a Union Army camp in Kentucky, enslaved men, women, and children struggled for their lives and fought to be free

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    (Left to right: Courtesy Ron Coddington/; University of Kentucky Special Collections, Lexington, KY; Library of Congress)