Features From the Issue
(Robert Harding / Alamy Stock Photo)
(Photo: Samir S. Patel)
After the Battle
The defeat of a Scottish army at the 1650 Battle of Dunbar was just the beginning of an epic ordeal for the survivors
(Mary Evans Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo) -
One + One = Forty-Nine
A crocodile mummy’s many surprises
When the Ancient Greeks Began to Write
Newly discovered inscriptions help explain how literacy spread

Letter from Greenland
Letter from Greenland
The Ghosts of Kangeq
The race to save Greenland’s Arctic coastal heritage from a shifting climate

Maya Jade Pectoral

Digs & Discoveries
Digs & Discoveries
Scroll Search
(Courtesy Casey L. Olson and Oren Gutfeld) -
Digs & Discoveries
A Cornucopia of Condiments
(© Crossrail) -
Digs & Discoveries
Bronze Age Bling
(Courtesy Moesgaard Museum) -
Digs & Discoveries
Squeezing History from a Turnip
(Courtesy Maria Chernaya) -
Digs & Discoveries
Aurignacian School of Art
(Courtesy Musée national de Préhistoire collections, Photo: MNP - Ph. Jugie) -
Digs & Discoveries
Common Ground
(Courtesy Cambridge Archaeological Unit) -
Digs & Discoveries
Standing Still in Beringia?
(Courtesy Lauriane Bourgeon) -
Digs & Discoveries
The Vikings’ Wide Reach
(Harris et al. Antiquity 91 355 (2017): 191–206) -
Digs & Discoveries
Close Quarters
(©Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello) -
Digs & Discoveries
The Third Reich’s Arctic Outpost
(Clockwise from upper left: Courtesy Anneliese Wechsler/Luftfahrt International (2), Courtesy Julia Petrovna/Russian Arctic National Park (2)) -
Digs & Discoveries
The Buddha of the Lake
Off the Grid
Off the Grid May/June 2017
Columbia Hills Historical State Park, Washington

Around the World


INDIA: Experts are searching for more evidence of missing American World War II soldiers in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh after human remains were recently recovered near the wreckage of a plane. As many as 400 soldiers are still considered lost in the region, as American planes occasionally crashed in the Himalayas during supply runs to China. Some of the wreck sites are located as high as 10,000 feet above sea level. —Jason Urbanus


CHINA: The Neolithic site of Jiahu, where the oldest playable musical instrument was previously found, has now produced evidence of the oldest silk fibers in human history. Soil samples taken from beneath skeletons in two tombs that date back 8,500 years reveal traces of silk proteins, indicating that the deceased may have been dressed in silk garments when they were buried. This new evidence pushes back the first known silk production technology by nearly 3,500 years. —Jason Urbanus


UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The discovery of a rare stone house on Marawah Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi has provided a remarkable glimpse at what life was like in the Persian Gulf around 7,500 years ago. The three-room building is the best example of Neolithic architecture ever uncovered in the region. Hundreds of artifacts, as well as animal remains, suggest that the inhabitants herded sheep and goats, but also relied heavily on marine resources for trade and sustenance. —Jason Urbanus