September/October 2016 Issue

Features From the Issue

  • Features

    A New View of the Birthplace of the Olympics

    Taking an innovative approach to one of ancient architecture’s most intriguing questions

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    (Courtesy Sapirstein/Digital Architecture Project (c) 2016)
  • Features

    Romans on the Bay of Naples

    A spectacular villa under Positano sees the light

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    Marco Merola
  • Features

    Worlds Within Us

    Pulled from an unlikely source, ancient microbial DNA represents a new frontier in the study of the past—and modern health

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    (Courtesy LMAMR, University of Oklahoma)
  • Features

    Royal Sherwood

    A long-overlooked site, the excesses of English royalty, and the origin of a legend

  • Features

    A Splendid Failure

    The wreck of CSS Georgia, a unique Civil War relic, emerges from Savannah’s harbor

Letter from Rotterdam

Letter from Rotterdam

The City and the Sea

How a small Dutch village became Europe’s greatest port

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(© Bureau Oudheidkundig Onderzoek Rotterdam)



Anglo-Saxon Workbox

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(Courtesy Wessex Archaeology)

Digs & Discoveries

Off the Grid

Off the Grid September/October 2016

Salinas Pueblo Missions, New Mexico

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(Courtesy National Park Service)

Around the World
