Remains of Upright Horses Discovered in Thracian Tomb

News September 27, 2013

(Impact Press Group)
Bulgaria Thracian Chariot Burial
(Impact Press Group)

SVESTARI, BULGARIA—A 2,500-year-old chariot and two horses that appear to have been buried in an upright position have been found in a Thracian tomb. Diana Gergova of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences thinks that the pit was dug with a sloping side so that the horses, wearing elaborate harnesses, would have been able to pull the chariot into place before they were killed. A dog had also been chained to the chariot. The vehicle may have been owned by the occupant of a nearby grave, which also contained armor, spears, swords, medication, and an inkwell. The discovery of the intact tomb was a surprise, since many of the tombs in the area have been plundered. 

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