TÜBINGEN, GERMANY—Live Science reports that a gold artifact thought to have been worn as a hair ornament has been found in a woman’s grave in southwestern Germany. Raiko Krauss of the University of Tübingen and Jörg Bofinger of the Baden-Württemberg State Office for Cultural Heritage Management said the woman, who is estimated to have been about 20 years old at the time of her death some 3,800 years ago, was buried in the fetal position near a prehistoric hilltop settlement. Her bones showed no signs of injury or disease. Analysis of the composition of the gold artifact, which also contains silver, copper, and traces of platinum and tin, indicates it is a natural alloy from the Carnon River area of Cornwall, England. The researchers said artifacts made from precious metals are rarely found in southwestern Germany, and suggest that the woman may have held high social status in her community. To read about a 4,000-year-old wooden ringed sanctuary in Germany, go to "Letter from Woodhenge: Stonehenge's Continental Cousin."