Possible Crusader Sword Discovered Off Coast of Israel

News October 18, 2021

(Anastasia Shapiro, Israel Antiquities Authority)
Israel Crusader Sword
(Anastasia Shapiro, Israel Antiquities Authority)

HAIFA, ISRAEL—The Guardian reports that a recreational diver discovered a sword encrusted with marine organisms among stone anchors, metal anchors, and pottery in the shifting sands of a natural cove on Israel’s Carmel coast. Kobi Sharvit of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Marine Archaeology unit said the cove was probably used as an anchorage as early as the Late Bronze Age, some 4,000 years ago. The weapon, thought to have been made of iron, may have been lost by a crusader who sailed to the region some 900 years ago, added Nir Distelfeld of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Robbery Prevention Unit. The sword will go on display after it has been cleaned and studied. To read how archaeologists identified the probable site of the Third Crusade's Battle of Arsuf, go to "Around the World: Israel."

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