Sculpted Roman Heads Discovered in Cumbria

News May 24, 2023

CARLISLE, ENGLAND—BBC News reports that excavation of a Roman bathhouse on the grounds of the Carlisle Cricket Club in northwestern England uncovered the sculpted heads of two Roman gods. The site, located not far from Hadrian’s Wall, was situated along a cobbled Roman road. Archaeologist Frank Giecco said the sandstone carvings have been dated to around A.D. 200, and likely topped full-figure statues that stood between 12 and 15 feet tall. “You can probably count on one hand examples of this kind in Britain,” he added. Pottery, weapons, and coins have been recovered from the bathhouse, in addition to the more than 30 semiprecious stones recovered from its drains earlier this year. For more on Hadrian's Wall, go to "The Wall at the End of the Empire."

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