Bronze Age Hoard Found in Czech Republic

News June 28, 2024

BUDYNĚ NAD OHŘĺ, CZECH REPUBLIC—According to a Radio Prague International report, a hoard of bronze objects estimated to be more than 3,500 years old was found in a field in the northern Czech Republic during a metal detector survey conducted by researchers from the Podřipské Museum. The cache includes eight arm rings, eight axes, two pins, and a spearhead. One of the axes is thought to be older than the other objects, based upon its style. Archaeologist Martin Trefný explained that the objects may have been intended to be a gift to the gods, hidden during an attack on a nearby village, or could have been placed in a storage pit by a craftsperson or a trader. To read about a cache of bronze tools and weapons unearthed in East London, go to "Tool Time."

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