September/October 2024 Issue

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/Sandra Steiß/Art Resource, NY

Features From the Issue

  • Features

    Ancient DNA Revolution

    How the rapidly evolving field of archaeogenetics is unlocking secrets of the past

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    Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia
  • Features

    Hunting for the Lost Temple of Artemis

    After a century of searching, a chance discovery led archaeologists to one of the most important sanctuaries in the ancient Greek world

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    Courtesy Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece
  • Features

    Trees of the Sky World

    Why Australia’s Indigenous Wiradjuri people carved sacred symbols into trees to mark burials of their honored dead

    Courtesy Caroline Spry
  • Features

    The People Before the Book

    A trove of papyri unearthed on the Egyptian island of Elephantine gives voice to an early Jewish community

    Bildarchiv Steffens/Bridgeman Images
  • Features

    Pompeii Style

    Inside the Roman houses where archaeologists continue to discover evocative new masterpieces

    Courtesy Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei

Digs & Discoveries

Letter from Siberia

Letter from Siberia

Strongholds of the Taiga

Beginning 8,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers in the forests of northern Russia built some of the world’s earliest fortified settlements

Courtesy Henny Piezonka



Paleolithic Eyed Needles

Gilligan et al., Sci. Adv. 10, eadp2887 (2024)

Off the Grid

Off the Grid September/October 2024

Barrancas River Valley, Argentina

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Courtesy Marcelo Morales

Around the World





Slideshow: Pompeian Novelties

Even after more than 200 years of excavations, archaeologists continue to unearth stunning frescoes covering the walls of Pompeii’s homes—both in properties that have previously been excavated and in newly discovered houses across the city.