Rock-Cut Tomb Unearthed in Malta

News October 23, 2024

Punic tomb complex, Birkirkara, Malta
Malta Superintendence of Cultural Heritage

MSIDA, MALTA—Malta Today reports that a construction project in eastern Malta has uncovered a rock-cut tomb dated to 2,300 years ago. The tomb’s three burial chambers are thought to have been used for multiple inhumations during the Punic and Roman periods. The chambers were found sealed with rock slabs and would have been accessed through a shaft. Human skeletal remains, cremation urns, and grave goods were recovered from the chambers. Researchers will examine the remains for evidence of the age, sex, and health of the individuals, and conduct DNA analysis. To read about a Phoenician shipwreck dating to 700 b.c. that was found off Gozo Island, go to “Around the World: Malta.”

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