Indian Warrior Class

Digs & Discoveries September/October 2018

(Courtesy S.K. Manjul/ Institute of Archaeology, ASI)

During excavations at Sanauli in the Baghpat district of western Uttar Pradesh, a team from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) unearthed the remains of three chariots, along with a number of coffins and other objects they believe are almost 4,000 years old. “The discovery of chariots in burial pits is extremely important, as they put India on par with ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Greece where chariots were extensively used,” says S.K. Manjul, director of the ASI’s Institute of Archaeology. The three chariots are two-wheeled open vehicles that can be driven by one person. The dig has also unearthed eight burial sites and additional artifacts, including three coffins, swords, daggers, combs, and ornaments. The burial pits indicate that a warrior class thrived in this region, according to Manjul. “These excavations,” he says, “have proved that the chariots, swords, and helmets were used in wars, as they were in Mesopotamia in 2000 B.C.

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