TORONTO, CANADA—Parts of an early nineteenth-century schooner were discovered during a construction project near Toronto’s old Lake Ontario shoreline. Archaeologists from ASI, an archaeological and cultural heritage firm, were looking for the remains of the Queens Wharf and other harbor features when they found the ship’s keel, the lowermost portions of the stern and bow, and a limited section of the bottom of the hull on the port side. “Based on what we have seen so far, this seems to be a vestige of one of the earliest vessels found in Toronto,” ASI senior archaeologist David Robertson said in a press release. “We plan to undertake an extensive study to find out everything we can about the vessel. At this time, however, we’re not confident it will be possible to preserve the remains.” The shipwreck will be recorded in detail with 3-D scanning technologies, however. To read more about nautical archaeology, see "History's 10 Greatest Wrecks."