PLOVDIV, BULGARIA—Archaeology in Bulgaria reports that a grave dated to the third or fourth century A.D. and an early Roman dwelling were found by utility workers in the city of Plovdiv. The city was occupied by the Thracians and known as Philipopolis, after King Philip II of Macedon, until the first century A.D., when the Romans conquered the region and renamed the city Trimontium. Archaeologist Maya Martinova of the Plovdiv Museum of Archaeology said the dwelling was in a neighborhood left outside a fortress wall built around the city by the Romans in A.D. 172. The land eventually became the city’s southern necropolis. The remains in the grave belonged to a woman who died at about 30 years of age. A roof made of tiles was placed over her burial, Martinova added. To read about another discovery in Bulgaria dating to the Roman period, go to “Mirror, Mirror.”