Outlaw’s Remains Identified in Idaho

News January 2, 2020


CLARK COUNTY, IDAHO—CNN reports that the DNA Doe Project has identified bones recovered from Idaho’s Buffalo Cave as the remains of Joseph Henry Loveless, an outlaw who broke out of prison in the early twentieth century after he was arrested for killing his wife and was never seen again. The researchers made the identification by comparing DNA obtained from the bones in the cave to the genomes of more than 30,000 people. Clark County Sheriff Bart May said Loveless made his escape by cutting through the bars of his jail cell with a saw concealed in his shoe, as he had previously fled at least twice before following arrests for bootlegging. The condition of the remains suggest Loveless was dismembered. “Back in 1916, it was the Wild West up here and most likely the locals took care of the problem,” May said. “We’ll probably never solve the homicide.” To read about the discovery of a medieval outlaw's skeleton in Sicily, go to "Stabbed in the Back."

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