RUSE, BULGARIA—Archaeology in Bulgaria reports that a fourteenth-century Christian church decorated with murals has been discovered in northeastern Bulgaria’s medieval city of Cherven. The church is the sixteenth to be uncovered in the Cherven Archaeological Preserve. Fragments of the frescoes include images of painted drapery and a scene depicting “warrior saints.” Some of the murals have been transferred to a conservation laboratory, where they will be restored and placed on a reinforced surface for display at the Ruse Regional Museum of History. In the area around the church, the excavation team has uncovered a cemetery, a medieval street, and other buildings. The city was conquered and ransacked by the Ottomans in A.D. 1388. To read about a fourth-century A.D. Christian basilica unearthed in northern Ethiopia, go to "Early Adopters."
Medieval Church Discovered in Bulgaria
News April 15, 2020
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