BANGKOK, THAILAND—The Associated Press reports that divers think they have found the wreckage of the submarine USS Grenadier in the Strait of Malacca. The measurements of the wreckage match the submarine’s naval records, according to Lance Horowitz, a member of the dive team. “A complete review, analysis, and documentation may take two months to a year to complete,” added Robert Neyland of the Naval History and Heritage Command’s Underwater Archaeology Branch. In 1945, Lt. Cdr. John A. Fitzgerald reported that the Grenadier’s crew of 76 survived bombing by a Japanese plane and scuttled the vessel before they were taken prisoner and held captive for more than two years. Four of the men did not survive the harsh treatment they received. To read about the discovery of a heavy cruiser that sank in 1945 in the North Pacific, go to "Finding Indianapolis," one of ARCHAEOLOGY's Top 10 Discoveries of 2017.