Hercules Statue Unearthed in Northern Greece

News September 20, 2022

(Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)
Greece Hercules Statue
(Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)

ATHENS, GREECE—The Greek City Times reports that pieces of a larger-than-life-size statue of a youthful Hercules have been unearthed in northern Greece at the ancient city of Philippi by researchers from Aristotle University. The statue, dated to the second century A.D., was found in a city square where two main streets intersected. It appears to have been reused to decorate a building dated to the late Byzantine period in the eighth or ninth century A.D. The figure wore a wreath of vine leaves and held a lion skin in his outstretched left hand. His club was found nearby in pieces. To read about the head of what is believed to be a statue of Hercules that was recovered from the Antikythera shipwreck, go to "Around the World: Greece."

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