Chinese Texts Written on Bamboo Slips Translated

News December 12, 2023

China Bamboo Slips
(Tsinghua University)
China Bamboo Slips

BEIJING, CHINA—Texts written on five sets of 2,500 bamboo slips more than 2,000 years ago have been translated by researchers from Tsinghua University, according to an ECNS report. Huang Dekuan of the Center for the Study and Conservation of Excavated Documents said that the texts date to the Warring States Period (475–221 B.C.) and the Qin Dynasty (221–206 B.C.). No other copies of these texts have been previously found. Two of the texts describe rites and ceremonial etiquette of the meals of a high official, for both the host and the guests, and for the officiant. Two other texts refer to the ritual music system, including the five traditional Chinese musical notes and some content that is not yet fully understood. The final text discusses philosophy, specifically the relationship between Heaven and Man, and human subjectivity. To read about Qin Dynasty bamboo slips that recorded official tax information, go to "Ancient Tax Time: Flexible Tax Brackets."

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