Letters From

Letter from Nigeria November/December 2012

A West African Kingdom's Roots

Excavations in Benin City reveal a renowned realm’s deep history

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Letter from the Catskills May/June 2024

Ghost Towns of the Ashokan Reservoir

An archaeologist investigates how construction of New York City’s largest reservoir a century ago uprooted thousands of rural residents

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(Courtesy the New York City Department of Environmental Protection)

Letter from Nicaragua March/April 2024

Who Were the People of Greater Nicoya?

Archaeologists are challenging long-held assumptions about Mesoamerica’s influence on Indigenous peoples to its south

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Letter from Rome January/February 2024

Secrets of the Catacombs

A subterranean necropolis offers archaeologists a rare glimpse of the city’s early Jewish community

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Letter from El Salvador November/December 2023

Uneasy Allies

Archaeologists discover a long-forgotten capital where Indigenous peoples and Spanish colonists arrived at a fraught coexistence

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  • Letter from Rotterdam September/October 2016

    The City and the Sea

    How a small Dutch village became Europe's greatest port

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    (© Bureau Oudheidkundig Onderzoek Rotterdam)
  • Letter from England July/August 2016

    Stronghold of the Kings in the North

    Excavations at one of Britain’s most majestic castles help tell the story of an Anglo-Saxon kingdom

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    (Colin Carter Photography/Getty Images)
  • Letter from Florida May/June 2016

    People of the White Earth

    In Florida’s Panhandle, tribal leaders and archaeologists reach into the past to help preserve a native community’s identity

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    (Mike Toner)
  • Letter from Guatemala March/April 2016

    Maya Metropolis

    Beneath Guatemala’s modern capital lies the record of the rise and fall of an ancient city

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    (Roger Atwood)
  • Letter from Hawaii January/February 2016

    Ballad of the Paniolo

    On the slopes of Mauna Kea, Hawaii’s cowboys developed a culture all their own

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    (Samir S. Patel)
  • Letter From Wales November/December 2015

    Hillforts of the Iron Age

    Searching for evidence of cultural changes that swept the prehistoric British Isles

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    (Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales)