March/April 2014 Issue

Features From the Issue

  • Features

    Saving the Villa of the Mysteries

    Beneath the surface of Pompeii's most famous house

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    (Pasquale Sorrentino)
  • Features

    All Hands on Deck

    Inviting the world to explore a shipwreck deep in the Gulf of Mexico

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    (Courtesy NOAA)
  • Features

    Messengers to the Gods

    During a turbulent period in ancient Egypt, common people turned to animal mummies to petition the gods, inspiring the rise of a massive religious industry

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    Courtesy The Brooklyn Museum
  • Features

    A Change of Fortune

    A destroyed tomb, a stone epitaph, and the last powerful women of Imperial China

  • Features

    A Well-Aged Vintage

    Archaeologists discover a 3,700-year-old wine cellar

Letter From Borneo

Letter From Borneo

The Landscape of Memory

Archaeology, oral history, and culture deep in the Malaysian jungle

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(Jerry Redfern)



Chimú-Inca Funerary Idols

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(Matthew Helmer)

Digs & Discoveries

Off the Grid

Off the Grid March/April 2014

Dorchester, South Carolina

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(Courtesy Larry James, Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site)

Around the World
