Bath House Found at Segedunum Roman Fort

News July 9, 2014

(© Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums)


WALLSEND, ENGLAND—Excavators at Segedunum Roman Fort, at the end of Hadrian’s Wall, have discovered the site of its bath house. “We’ve seen enough of the remains now to be 100 percent certain that we have the site of the fort bath house. In particular, we’ve got a Roman cement-lined cold plunged bath, which absolutely puts the tin lid on it,” project manager Nick Hodgson told Culture 24. The bath also had the typical steam room, tepid room, and gym area. Volunteers have been instrumental in finding the bath house, which was last seen in the early nineteenth century, before a pub was built on the site. A replica bath house at the fort is currently undergoing maintenance work. 


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