ADANA, TURKEY—The Daily Sabah reports that a team of archaeologists will continue to uncover the theater in the ancient city of Magarsus in south-central Anatolia. The team, made up of researchers from the Adana Museum Directorate, the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, and Çukurova University has so far uncovered seating for 4,000 people. “The excavations in Magarsus will continue in the orchestra pit of the theater and the stadium of the ancient city,” said Nedim Dervişoğlu, deputy director of the Adana Museum. “Following the stadium excavations, archaeologists will also focus on unearthing the temple.” Restoration and conservation of the theater is scheduled as well. For more on archaeology in Turkey, go to “Zeugma After the Flood.”
Excavation of Magarsus Continues in Turkey
News December 28, 2016
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