LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND—The Sleaford Standard reports that a cache of early fourth-century A.D. Roman coins was discovered in eastern England by metal detectorists Rob Jones and Craig Paul. Paul assisted archaeologists Adam Daubney of the Lincolnshire County Council and Sam Bromage of the University of Sheffield with excavation of the more than 3,000 copper-alloy coins. Daubney said the coins were found in a ceramic pot buried in the center of a large oval pit lined with quarried limestone. He thinks the cache may have been buried as a ceremonial or votive offering. Eleanor Ghey of the British Museum suggested the hoard was buried around A.D. 307, after the sudden death of Emperor Constantius. Together, Paul and the archaeologists found a second hoard of ten coins while investigating the area. To read about another large coin hoard found in England, go to “Seaton Down Hoard.”