NAPLES, ITALY—A fresco that graphically depicts the impending combat victory of one gladiator over another has been uncovered in Pompeii's Regio V, according to a report in The Independent. The victor, identified as a murmillo-type gladiator by his weapons and armor, stands over a cowering foe equipped in the Thracian manner. The latter has sustained deep gashes to the wrist, legs, and chest, and is holding up a finger to beg for mercy. The fresco, which measures roughly four feet by five feet, was found in what appears to have been a basement tavern or store. The floor above may have housed the proprietors or been used as a brothel. Massimo Osanna, superintendent for Pompeii, says it is very likely the establishment was frequented by gladiators, whose barracks were not far from the site. To read more about recent excavations in Pompeii's Regio V, go to "Digging Deeper into Pompeii's Past."