Havering Hoard Includes Unexpected Imports

News February 10, 2020

(Museum of London)
Digs England Havering Hoard
(Museum of London)

LONDON, ENGLAND—The Museum of London has announced the discovery of imported rings, copper ingots, and a bracelet within the objects of the so-called Havering Hoard, according to a report in The GuardianFirst excavated from a quarry in east London over a period of three months in 2019 and dating to between 900 and 800 B.C., the Havering Hoard is a staggering haul of 453 swords, axes, kives, chisels, sickels, ingots, and bracelets. It is the third largest Bronze Age hoard ever discovered in the United Kingdom. Examination of a pair of rings suggests they may not have adorned fingers but rather were used to prevent rein tangling on horse-drawn carts. Contemporaneous examples have been found in France but never in Britain. Researchers also identified a bracelet believed to be from what is now northwest France and copper ingots possibly originating from the Alps. For more on the Havering Hoard, go to "Tool Time." 

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