Rare Coins Recovered From Medieval Grave in Sweden

News April 11, 2024

Sweden Medieval Coins
(Jönköping County Museum)
Sweden Medieval Coins

JÖNKÖPING COUNTY, SWEDEN—According to a report in The Miami Herald, an excavation at the historic Brahe Church on the island of Visingsö off Sweden’s southern coast has uncovered two graves estimated to be 800 years old. One grave held the remains of a man thought to have been between the ages of 20 and 25 at the time of death. Archaeologist Anna Ödéen of the Jönköping County Museum said that Christian graves from this time period usually do not contain any artifacts, but some 170 silver coins minted between 1150 and 1180 were recovered. Some of these coins are unique examples, she added. The coins are being analyzed while the excavation at the church site continues. To read about astronomer Tycho Brahe’s island observatory, go to “Off the Grid: Ven, Sweden.”

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