TORUŃ, POLAND—Science in Poland reports that fragments of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century clothing and shoes in both eastern and western styles were discovered in a layer of mulch during an investigation conducted ahead of a construction project in the Chełmińskie Przedmieście neighborhood of the city of Toruń, which is located in north-central Poland. Archaeologist Małgorzata Grupa said that the large collection, including fine woolens, silks, and a cloth of gold with a floral ornament, reflects the city’s position as a trade center in the Hanseatic League, an organization founded by merchant communities to protect their mutual trading interests. Products made of antler, metal, ceramic, fabric, and leather were all produced by craftsmen in Toruń, added archaeologist Mariusz Ciszak. “This city connected the East with the West, it was the center of the economic and political life of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at that time,” he explained. A multidisciplinary team of scientists has been assembled to study the artifacts in detail. To read about another discovery from Poland, go to "Piggy Playthings."
16th- and 17th-Century Fabrics and Shoes Discovered in Poland
News May 10, 2024
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