Egypt Receives Smuggled Objects From the Netherlands

News August 29, 2024


CAIRO, EGYPT—The Associated Press reports that a mummified human head dated to the Hellenistic period (323–30 B.C.); an ushabti, or ceramic funerary figurine dated to the New Kingdom period; and a fragment of a painted wooden coffin dated to between 663 and 504 B.C. have been repatriated to Egypt by the Netherlands. The transfer occurred at the Egyptian Embassy in The Hague. Dutch police had recovered two of the objects, which had been smuggled out of Egypt, from an antiques shop, while the head was handed over to local Dutch officials by an individual who had inherited it from a family member. To read about faience ushabtis found at the Saqqara necropolis, go to "Mummy Workshop," one of ARCHAEOLOGY's Top 10 Discoveries of 2018.

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