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B. Redon/French Archaeological Mission at the Eastern Desert/© Antiquity Publications Ltd.
Phouk Chea/Olivier Cunin/APSARA National Authority
Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports
Kocaeli University
AIexey Kovalev
English Heritage
(Susanna Allesson-Nyberg/SMTM, Eriksson et al. 2023, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology)
(Cultural Environment Halland)
(Mateusz Rekłajtis PCMA UW)
(© Khaybar Longue Durée Archaeological Project, M. Bussy & G. Charloux)
(Tobit Curteis Associates LLP)
(University of Manchester)
(Egypt's Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities)
(Moisés Valadez Moreno)
(NRI Archaeological News Agency)