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B. Redon/French Archaeological Mission at the Eastern Desert/© Antiquity Publications Ltd.
Phouk Chea/Olivier Cunin/APSARA National Authority
Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports
Kocaeli University
AIexey Kovalev
English Heritage
(Putri et al. 2023, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology)
(Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
(Juan Bautista Belardi)
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Courtesy Luis Flores-Blanco)
(© Anne Maigret, Reiche et al. 2023, Scientific Reports)
(© Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller, Kiel University)
(© Ringbauer & Huang et al., Nature Genetics (2023)/ 123RF|hecke)
(Griffith University)
(R. Scott et al. 2023/CENIEH)