Weapons of the Ancient World

Features May/June 2020

How people of the past developed arms to master the challenges of their time
(Leemage/ Contributor/GettyImages)
The Alexander Mosaic, which was excavated in the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Italy, depicts the Battle of Issos, which pitted Alexander the Great (above, seated on brown horse) against the Persian army commanded by the king Darius III (above right, gesturing toward Alexander).
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020

    Hunting Equipment

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    (Clockwise from top left: ©South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Harald Wisthaler; ©Gault School of Archaeological Research; ©South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Harald Wisthaler; ©Peter Pfarr, Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (NLD); ©Christa S. Fuchs, Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (NLD))
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020


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    (Above left: MOLAS; Above right: ©The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY)
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020

    Siege Weapons

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    (Ivo Van der Graaff, Hay Castle Trust)
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020

    Fire Lances and Cannons

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  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020


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    (©The Museum of London)
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020

    Ceremonial and Magic Weapons

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    (Clockwise from top left: Bridgeman Images; Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY; ©The Trustees of the British Museum)
  • Weapons of the Ancient World May/June 2020

    Gladiator Weapons

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    (Clockwise from top left: Lanmas/Alamy Stock Photo; ©The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY; Pompeii Archaeological Park)
  • Artifacts March/April 2020

    Gravettian "Venus" Figure

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    (Courtesy INRAP)
  • Around the World March/April 2020


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    (Wikimedia Commons)
  • Digs & Discoveries March/April 2020

    Ancient Academia

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    (© The Trustees of the British Museum)
  • Features March/April 2020

    Inside a Medieval Gaelic Castle

    A tiny Irish island holds the secrets of an unknown royal way of life

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    (EUNAN SWEENEY/ Alamy Stock Photo)