January/February 2012 Issue

Features From the Issue

  • Features

    The Truth Behind the Tablets

    The rush to document thousands of ancient texts before they are sent back to Iran, or sold, reveals the daily workings of the Persian Empire.

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  • Features

    A Society's Sacrifice

    Why the Chimú people of ancient Peru offered what was most valuable to them

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    (Courtesy Angiolina Abugattas)
  • Features

    Mountaintop Rescue

    Archaeology, coal, and activism collide in the Appalachian Mountains at the site of America's largest labor conflict.

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Letter from Ireland

Letter from Ireland

Mystery of the Fulacht Fiadh

Versions of the same Bronze Age structure pop up all around Ireland and throughout the United Kingdom. Archaeologists, however, still have not agreed on their purpose.

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Digs & Discoveries

  • Digs & Discoveries

    Stone Age Art Supplies

    A cave in southwestern South Africa was used as a paint production workshop, where ancient artists made a liquid ochre pigment. The toolkit of shells, stone, and bone from Blombos Cave suggests Middle Stone Age humans were capable planners.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    Migrating Away from Clovis

    In mid-October 2011 the journal Science published a reexamination of a mastodon bone originally excavated in the late 1970s at the Manis site in northwestern Washington State. Embedded in the bone, one of the mastodon's 19 ribs, was the tip of a bone projectile. Using DNA analysis, a team led by Texas A&M University archaeologist Michael Waters determined that the point was itself fashioned from mastodon bone.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    Drawing Paleolithic Romania

    Radiocarbon dates from Coliboaia Cave in Romania show that animal images drawn on the cave walls are among the oldest visual art in Europe and further confirm that early humans did indeed create art.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    A Low-Flying Bird's-Eye View

    A group of researchers at Ghent University in Belgium has tested a new and inexpensive method of taking low-altitude aerial photographs and creating 3-D computer models of archaeological sites. The team chose to use a remote-controlled drone "quadro-copter" —a highly stable helicopter with four sets of rotors.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    Libya's Forgotten History

    Thanks largely to research conducted by a team led by David Mattingly of the University of Leicester, there is new evidence that the Garamantes were a highly sophisticated civilization who built state-of-the-art water extraction systems in the desert and constructed more than 100 fortified farms and villages, most dating to the first five centuries A.D.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    The Incredible Shrinking Grouper

    Fish in the Mediterranean aren't what they used to be. Commercial and recreational fishing have decreased population sizes and also made individuals smaller, since big fish are kept and smaller ones thrown back.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    A New Look with Neutrons

    Scientists have developed an imaging device that uses a beam of neutrons, a particle found in the nucleus of most atoms, to make three-dimensional images of archaeological artifacts.

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    The Precious

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  • Digs & Discoveries

    Convict Mothers

    In the first half of the nineteenth century, 12,000 British female convicts were sent to the prison colony in Van Diemen's Land, now known as Tasmania. Convicts, held in work camps called "factories," were forbidden to have contact with their babies except for breastfeeding. But a recent find at the Ross Female Factory shows that they skirted that rule, and may have actively resisted separation from their children.

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Off the Grid

Off the Grid January/February 2012

Arykanda, Turkey

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Around the World
