Ancient Tattoos

Features November/December 2013

  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Ceramic Female Figurine

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    (Courtesy Marius Amarie)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Ötzi, the Iceman

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    (Courtesy South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology; Courtesy South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Eurac/Samadelli/Staschitz)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Dogu Figurine

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    (Courtesy Iwate Prefectural Museum)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Faience Figurine and Bowl

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    (Gianni Dagli Orti/The Art Archive at Art Resource, NY, Courtesy ©Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, The Netherlands)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Lapita Fragment and Engraving

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    (Private Collection, Prismatic Pictures, The Bridgeman Art Library; Courtesy University of Auckland Anthropology Photographic Archive)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Iron Age Mummy

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    (The State Hermitage Museum)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Tarim Basin Mummy

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    (Courtesy Victor Mair)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Red-Figure Vessel

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    (Erich Lessing/ Art Resource, NY)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Moche Mask and Mummy

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    (Courtesy John Verano & Régulo Franco, El Brujo Project)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Head Effigy Pot

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    (Detroit Institute of Arts, USA / Founders Society Purchase with the funds from the Mary G. and Robert H. Flint Foundation)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Hollow Ceramic Figurines

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    (Detroit Institute of Arts/ Founders Society Purchase/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
  • Ancient Tattoos November/December 2013

    Ibaloi Mummy

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    (The Bridgeman Art Library, Gunther C.O. Deichmann)
  • Artifacts September/October 2013

    Writing Tablet

    A tablet bearing a birthday party invite includes the earliest Latin script penned by a woman

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    (© The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY)
  • Around the World September/October 2013


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    (Courtesy Izumi Niiro)
  • Digs & Discoveries September/October 2013

    No Changeups on the Savannah

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    (Private Collection/J.T. Vintage/The Bridgeman Art Library, Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY, Pat Benic/Copyright Bettmann/Corbis/AP Images)
  • Features September/October 2013

    Wolf Rites of Winter

    Archaeologists digging a Bronze Age site on the Russian steppes are using evidence from language and mythology to understand a remarkable discovery

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    (Courtesy David Anthony)