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B. Redon/French Archaeological Mission at the Eastern Desert/© Antiquity Publications Ltd.
Phouk Chea/Olivier Cunin/APSARA National Authority
Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports
Kocaeli University
AIexey Kovalev
English Heritage
(Pompeii Archaeological Park)
(Hanne Bryn, NTNU University Museum)
(© Laure Cassagne, Inrap)
(Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeological Research Institute)
(Virginia Museum of Fine Arts)
(Bea De Cupere)
(Collyweston Historical and Preservation Society)
(Switzerland’s Federal Office of Culture)
(Lutz Kindler, LEIZA)
(Martine Kaspersen, Innlandet County Municipality)
(Megumi Maruyama)